Why Merlin is the Greatest Wizard of All Time

by | Jan 29, 2025 | Blog, Inspiration, Merlin

Wizards abound in literature and legend, from Gandalf and Dumbledore to lesser-known spellcasters whose tales have captivated us for centuries. But among them all, one figure stands out as the ultimate wizard: Merlin.

What makes him so extraordinary? Why does he continue to resonate with audiences after more than a thousand years?

As I wrote the Merlin Saga, I found myself continually drawn to the many facets of his character — his humility, his humor, and his unshakable belief in humanity’s potential. Merlin reminds us that magic isn’t just about casting spells; it’s about finding wonder in the ordinary and inspiring greatness in others.

Merlin is not just a character; he embodies the essence of magic itself, but also something deeper — something profoundly human. His timeless legacy continues to inspire us, not just because of the spells he casts, but because of the light he brings to our world.

Seven Reasons Why Merlin is the Greatest Wizard of All

  1. Original: Merlin is the original wizard, whose stories began well over 1,000 years ago in Celtic Britain. And how amazing is this — today he’s known all around the world and is more beloved than ever!

  2. Universal: Merlin stands for the universality of all people, no matter their background, culture, religion, or status. To Merlin, every person matters. A lot.
  3. All About Love: Merlin loves humanity — our weaknesses as well as our strengths. His great compassion comes from understanding his own light and dark sides, so he truly feels for us at the deepest levels. That’s why he was the ideal mentor for young King Arthur.
  4. Full of Hope: Merlin has unending hope for humanity. That’s why he encouraged King Arthur to create Camelot, a realm based on justice for all. Even though Merlin knew that Camelot would fail in Arthur’s time, it was such a powerful — and hopeful — idea that he still wanted to give it to humanity.
  5. Inspired by Nature: Merlin’s deepest wisdom and spiritual strength comes from nature. From the seasons, he learns the miracle of renewal; from the butterfly, he learns the power of transformation; and from the eagle on high, he learns how we can soar freely.
  6. Able to Live Backward in Time: Merlin grows younger every year. Do you know anyone else who can do that? Believe me, I’ve often wished that I could do it! Maybe someday he’ll teach me how it’s done.
  7. Just Plain Adorable: Merlin may be venerable, celebrated, and wise beyond words. But he is also, well… adorable. That twinkle in his eye. That amazing, luminous beard. That hearty laugh of body and soul. What’s not to love?

Merlin’s story is, at its heart, a reminder that every one of us carries a spark of magic. Whether through our compassion, creativity, or courage, we have the power to shape the world around us. And that, perhaps, is the greatest magic of all.