Merlin’s Seven Magical Words: Belief

“Belief is a powerful elixir. It offers strength, renewal, and peace to those who drink it. And your cup can be forever refilled.”
Belief, one of Merlin’s seven most magical words in the universe, can give us comfort in times of chaos, strength in moments of weakness, And direction when we feel lost. Our beliefs — whether they’re a belief in our own abilities, a belief in the nature of the world and the universe, or a belief in a higher power — guide us on our journey through life and allow us to find meaning and purpose in uncertain situations, and discover clarity among the muddled waters of our daily lives.
But where does someone find what they believe in, and develop those beliefs? For each of us the journey is unique. For me, the music of nature — the warm spring wind or the sound of a meadowlark — inspires a faith in forces that are larger than myself. This beauty and power of nature, the predictable unpredictability of it, the uniqueness of each and every creature, from the tiniest life form to the largest mammal, are what have guided me along the pathway to this belief.
However, there are times when even I have struggled, times when my beliefs have seemed hollow, or have even abandoned me altogether. When I see senseless loss of life, or the destruction of our spectacular planet, I can’t help but wonder. I can’t help but question. I can’t help but doubt.
And this is precisely the space where belief has the opportunity to transform us. As we seek answers to life’s hardest questions and attempt to make sense of the senseless, it is there that our resolve to believe is stretched. It is through these challenges we must reach deep within ourselves to find our way back… or perhaps to discover a new belief to guide us.
In the Merlin Saga, young Merlin was on his own journey to enlightenment as he sought to find meaning and purpose in his own existence. His journey of self discovery helped him uncover greater powers within himself than he’d ever dreamed. As you seek faith and belief, I have some Merlin-inspired tidbits of advice to help you along your way.
- Don’t be distracted by shiny things or loud voices. It has been my experience that belief can be more reliably found through small, unassuming moments, like the gaze of a newborn child filled with wonder, trust, and love.
- Respect each person’s journey as you do your own. Celebrate your belief with actions more than words, and allow others to be inspired on their own paths.
- Never mistake belief for omniscience, or trade humility for arrogance. Though we move toward enlightenment and deeper understanding, we remain human and therefore, fallible.
- Leave room for doubt. It is what spurs us to look deeper, to seek further, and bravely question our faith as we seek to strengthen it.