Episode Playlists by Theme

Check out these episode playlists by theme. Whether you’re looking for episodes about nature, creativity, inspiration, Merlin, or the amazing young heroes of the Barron Prize — themes that occur throughout both seasons of Magic & Mountains — these episode playlists are a great place to start!

You can always listen to episodes based on release order (or in any order you prefer!) from your favorite podcast provider. But if you want to try something different, check out these Spotify playlists I’ve created for you. I hope you will enjoy this unique take on Magic & Mountains!

Magic & Mountains is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.


Episode Playlists by Theme

Check out these episode playlists by theme. Whether you’re looking for episodes about nature, creativity, inspiration, Merlin, or the amazing young heroes of the Barron Prize — themes that occur throughout both seasons of Magic & Mountains — these episode playlists are a great place to start!

You can always listen to episodes based on release order (or in any order you prefer!) from your favorite podcast provider. But if you want to try something different, check out these Spotify playlists I’ve created for you. I hope you will enjoy this unique take on Magic & Mountains!

Magic & Mountains is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.