A collection of handwritten notes and manuscripts from writing “The Lost Years of Merlin” and “The Seven Songs.”
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Sacred Play
My handwritten draft of an essay for Orion Magazine, entitled Sacred Play.
Great Tree of Avalon Maps- Merlin Books 9, 10, 11
Drawings, maps, manuscripts, and handwritten notes for The Great Tree of Avalon epic of The Merlin Saga.
Merlin Book 5
A few handwritten chapters of “MERLIN: A Wizard’s Wings,” (Book 5 of The Merlin Saga).
Merlin Book 3
Handwritten draft and notes for “MERLIN: The Raging Fires” (Book 3 of The Merlin Saga).
Merlin Book 3
More handwritten notes for “MERLIN: The Raging Fires” (Book 3 of The Merlin Saga).
The Ancient One – Heartlight Book 2
My handwritten chapters on legal pads, written with blue ink, for the book, “The Ancient One.”
The Merlin Effect – Heartlight Book 3
A few of the chapters and notes for my book, “The Merlin Effect” (Book 3 of The Heartlight Saga).
Illustration from Rejected Manuscript
A never-before-seen illustration from my first manuscript that was rejected 32 times.
My Dear Colorado Poem
A poem I wrote for my beloved home state of Colorado.